Standards and General Purposes Committee - Thursday 18 January 2024, 2:00pm - Buckinghamshire Council Webcasting
Standards and General Purposes Committee
Thursday, 18th January 2024 at 2:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr David Goss
Cllr Bill Chapple OBE
Cllr Peter Brazier
Cllr Robert Carington
Cllr Jaspal Chhokar
Cllr Phil Gomm
Cllr Tony Green
Cllr Howard Mordue
Cllr Catherine Oliver
Cllr Linda Smith BEM
Cllr David Thompson
Cllr Steven Lambert
Cllr Melanie Smith
Cllr David Goss
Ms. Sarah Ashmead
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Robert Carington
Cllr David Goss
Agenda item :
1 Apologies
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Mrs Clare Gray
Cllr David Goss
Agenda item :
2 Minutes
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Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Tony Green
Cllr David Goss
Agenda item :
4 High Wycombe Community Governance Review
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- Report for High Wycombe Community Governance Review
- Appendix 1 for High Wycombe Community Governance Review
- Appendix 2 for High Wycombe Community Governance Review
- Appendix 3 for High Wycombe Community Governance Review
- Appendix 4 for High Wycombe Community Governance Review
- Appendix 5 for High Wycombe Community Governance Review
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Peter Brazier
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Peter Brazier
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Tony Green
Cllr David Goss
Cllr David Goss
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Robert Carington
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Tony Green
Cllr David Goss
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Steven Lambert
Cllr David Goss
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Melanie Smith
Cllr David Goss
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Melanie Smith
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Bill Chapple OBE
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Howard Mordue
Cllr Tony Green
Cllr David Goss
Agenda item :
5 Approach to considering requests for Community Governance Reviews
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Cllr David Goss
Cllr Melanie Smith
Cllr Steven Lambert
Cllr Steven Lambert
Cllr David Goss
Ms. Sarah Ashmead
Cllr David Goss
Agenda item :
6 Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations
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- Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations
- Appendix 1: Timetable
- Appendix 2: ConsultationResponsestoPDReview2023
- Appendix 3: Proposed changes to polling places that received positive support or no feedback
- Appendix 4: Proposed changes to polling places that received feedback identifying other options
- Appendix 5: Full list of polling districts and polling places
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Tony Green
Cllr David Goss
Cllr David Goss
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Tony Green
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Tony Green
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Steven Lambert
Cllr Steven Lambert
Cllr David Goss
Agenda item :
7 Preparations for 2025 Council - Constitutional arrangements
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Ms. Sarah Ashmead
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Robert Carington
Cllr David Goss
Agenda item :
8 Member Code of Conduct Complaints – Quarter 3 Review
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Cllr David Goss
Cllr Jaspal Chhokar
Cllr David Goss
Cllr Phil Gomm
Cllr David Goss
Agenda item :
9 Work Programme
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Agenda item :
10 Date of Next Meeting
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- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- Report for High Wycombe Community Governance Review, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 for High Wycombe Community Governance Review, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 for High Wycombe Community Governance Review, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 for High Wycombe Community Governance Review, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4 for High Wycombe Community Governance Review, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5 for High Wycombe Community Governance Review, opens in new tab
- Report for Approach to considering requests for Community Governance Reviews, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1: Community Governance Review Councillor Working Group Terms of Reference, opens in new tab
- Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1: Timetable, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2: ConsultationResponsestoPDReview2023, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3: Proposed changes to polling places that received positive support or no feedback, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4: Proposed changes to polling places that received feedback identifying other options, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5: Full list of polling districts and polling places, opens in new tab
- Report for Preparations for 2025 Council – Constitutional Arrangements, opens in new tab
- Report for Member Code of Conduct Complaints – Quarter 3 Review, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 for Member Code of Conduct Complaints – Quarter 3 Review, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 for Member Code of Conduct Complaints – Quarter 3 Review, opens in new tab
- Work Programme (1), opens in new tab
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