Standards and General Purposes Committee - Thursday 18 January 2024, 2:00pm - Resources Tab - Start video at 0:03:30 - Buckinghamshire Council Webcasting

Standards and General Purposes Committee
Thursday, 18th January 2024 at 2:00pm 









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  1. Cllr David Goss
  2. Cllr Bill Chapple OBE
  3. Cllr Peter Brazier
  4. Cllr Robert Carington
  5. Cllr Jaspal Chhokar
  6. Cllr Phil Gomm
  7. Cllr Tony Green
  8. Cllr Howard Mordue
  9. Cllr Catherine Oliver
  10. Cllr Linda Smith BEM
  11. Cllr David Thompson
  12. Cllr Steven Lambert
  13. Cllr Melanie Smith
  14. Cllr David Goss
  15. Ms. Sarah Ashmead
  16. Glenn Watson - Principal Governance Officer
  17. Mat Bloxham - Electoral Services Manager
  18. Catherine Spalton
  19. Hannah Clements
  20. Cllr David Goss
  21. Cllr Robert Carington
  22. Cllr David Goss
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  1. Mrs Clare Gray
  2. Cllr David Goss
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  1. Cllr Tony Green
  2. Cllr David Goss
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  1. Glenn Watson - Principal Governance Officer
  2. Catherine Spalton
  3. Catherine Spalton - Head of Communication and Engagement
  4. Cllr David Goss
  5. Cllr Peter Brazier
  6. Cllr David Goss
  7. Glenn Watson - Principal Governance Officer
  8. Cllr Peter Brazier
  9. Cllr David Goss
  10. Cllr Tony Green
  11. Cllr David Goss
  12. Glenn Watson - Principal Governance Officer
  13. Cllr David Goss
  14. Glenn Watson - Principal Governance Officer
  15. Cllr David Goss
  16. Cllr Robert Carington
  17. Cllr David Goss
  18. Glenn Watson - Principal Governance Officer
  19. Cllr Tony Green
  20. Glenn Watson - Principal Governance Officer
  21. Cllr David Goss
  22. Catherine Spalton - Head of Communication and Engagement
  23. Cllr David Goss
  24. Cllr Steven Lambert
  25. Cllr David Goss
  26. Glenn Watson - Principal Governance Officer
  27. Cllr David Goss
  28. Cllr Melanie Smith
  29. Cllr David Goss
  30. Glenn Watson - Principal Governance Officer
  31. Cllr David Goss
  32. Glenn Watson - Principal Governance Officer
  33. Cllr Melanie Smith
  34. Cllr David Goss
  35. Cllr Bill Chapple OBE
  36. Cllr David Goss
  37. Cllr Howard Mordue
  38. Cllr Tony Green
  39. Cllr David Goss
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  1. Mat Bloxham - Electoral Services Manager
  2. Cllr David Goss
  3. Cllr Melanie Smith
  4. Glenn Watson - Principal Governance Officer
  5. Cllr Steven Lambert
  6. Glenn Watson - Principal Governance Officer
  7. Mat Bloxham - Electoral Services Manager
  8. Cllr Steven Lambert
  9. Cllr David Goss
  10. Ms. Sarah Ashmead
  11. Cllr David Goss
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  1. Mat Bloxham - Electoral Services Manager
  2. Cllr David Goss
  3. Cllr Tony Green
  4. Cllr David Goss
  5. Mat Bloxham - Electoral Services Manager
  6. Cllr David Goss
  7. Mat Bloxham - Electoral Services Manager
  8. Cllr David Goss
  9. Cllr Tony Green
  10. Cllr David Goss
  11. Cllr Tony Green
  12. Mat Bloxham - Electoral Services Manager
  13. Cllr David Goss
  14. Cllr Steven Lambert
  15. Mat Bloxham - Electoral Services Manager
  16. Cllr Steven Lambert
  17. Cllr David Goss
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  1. Ms. Sarah Ashmead
  2. Cllr David Goss
  3. Cllr Robert Carington
  4. Cllr David Goss
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  1. Glenn Watson - Principal Governance Officer
  2. Cllr David Goss
  3. Cllr Jaspal Chhokar
  4. Cllr David Goss
  5. Cllr Phil Gomm
  6. Glenn Watson - Principal Governance Officer
  7. Cllr David Goss
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  1. Webcast Finished