Licensing Committee - Tuesday 16 April 2024, 6:30pm - Speakers Tab - Start video at 0:02:03 - Buckinghamshire Council Webcasting

Licensing Committee
Tuesday, 16th April 2024 at 6:30pm 









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  1. Cllr Heather Wallace
  2. Lindsey Vallis
  3. Cllr Heather Wallace
  4. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  5. Cllr Heather Wallace
  6. Elly Cook - Senior Committee & Governance Services Officer
  7. Mr Alaka Thomlinson
  8. Jacqui Bromilow - Head of Environmental Health and Trading Standards
  9. Cllr Heather Wallace
  10. Elly Cook - Senior Committee & Governance Services Officer
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  1. Cllr Heather Wallace
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  1. Cllr Heather Wallace
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  1. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
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  1. Cllr Heather Wallace
  2. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  3. Cllr Heather Wallace
  4. Cllr Tony Green
  5. Cllr Heather Wallace
  6. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  7. Cllr Heather Wallace
  8. Cllr Dev Dhillon
  9. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  10. Cllr Dev Dhillon
  11. Cllr Heather Wallace
  12. Cllr Joseph Baum
  13. Cllr Heather Wallace
  14. Cllr Joseph Baum
  15. Cllr Heather Wallace
  16. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  17. Lindsey Vallis
  18. Cllr Heather Wallace
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  1. Lindsey Vallis
  2. Cllr Heather Wallace
  3. Cllr Tony Green
  4. Lindsey Vallis
  5. Cllr Tony Green
  6. Cllr Heather Wallace
  7. Cllr Nick Southworth
  8. Cllr Heather Wallace
  9. Lindsey Vallis
  10. Cllr Heather Wallace
  11. Cllr Sir Beville Stanier Bt
  12. Lindsey Vallis
  13. Cllr Heather Wallace
  14. Cllr Jonathan Rush
  15. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  16. Cllr Jonathan Rush
  17. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  18. Lindsey Vallis
  19. Cllr Jonathan Rush
  20. Lindsey Vallis
  21. Cllr Heather Wallace
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  1. Lindsey Vallis
  2. Cllr Heather Wallace
  3. Lindsey Vallis
  4. Cllr Heather Wallace
  5. Cllr Nick Southworth
  6. Cllr Heather Wallace
  7. Lindsey Vallis
  8. Cllr Heather Wallace
  9. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  10. Cllr Heather Wallace
  11. Cllr Joseph Baum
  12. Lindsey Vallis
  13. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  14. Lindsey Vallis
  15. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  16. Lindsey Vallis
  17. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  18. Lindsey Vallis
  19. Cllr Joseph Baum
  20. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  21. Cllr Joseph Baum
  22. Lindsey Vallis
  23. Cllr Joseph Baum
  24. Lindsey Vallis
  25. Cllr Heather Wallace
  26. Cllr Dev Dhillon
  27. Lindsey Vallis
  28. Cllr Dev Dhillon
  29. Lindsey Vallis
  30. Cllr Heather Wallace
  31. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  32. Cllr Heather Wallace
  33. Cllr Nick Southworth
  34. Cllr Heather Wallace
  35. Lindsey Vallis
  36. Cllr Heather Wallace
  37. Cllr Nick Southworth
  38. Cllr Heather Wallace
  39. Lindsey Vallis
  40. Cllr Heather Wallace
  41. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  42. Lindsey Vallis
  43. Cllr Heather Wallace
  44. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  45. Lindsey Vallis
  46. Cllr Heather Wallace
  47. Cllr Jonathan Rush
  48. Cllr Nick Southworth
  49. Cllr Heather Wallace
  50. Cllr Joseph Baum
  51. Cllr Heather Wallace
  52. Cllr Dev Dhillon
  53. Cllr Heather Wallace
  54. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  55. Cllr Joseph Baum
  56. Simon Gallacher - Principal Licensing Officer
  57. Cllr Heather Wallace
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  1. Webcast Finished