Licensing Committee - Thursday 18 July 2024, 6:30pm - Buckinghamshire Council Webcasting

Licensing Committee
Thursday, 18th July 2024 at 6:30pm 









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  1. Cllr Heather Wallace
  2. Cllr Heather Wallace
  3. Lindsay Vallis - Service Director for Integrated Transport
  4. Cat Crelling - Senior Licensing Officer
  5. Jo Bowles - Senior Licensing Officer
  6. Becky Binstead - Senior Committees and Governance Services Officer
  7. Alaka Thomlinson - Legal
  8. Laura Heller - Legal
  9. Cllr Heather Wallace
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  1. Becky Binstead - Senior Committees and Governance Services Officer
  2. Cllr Heather Wallace
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  1. Jo Bowles - Senior Licensing Officer
  2. Cllr Heather Wallace
  3. Cllr Phil Gomm
  4. Jo Bowles - Senior Licensing Officer
  5. Cllr Phil Gomm
  6. Jo Bowles - Senior Licensing Officer
  7. Cat Crelling - Senior Licensing Officer
  8. Cllr Heather Wallace
  9. Cllr Tony Green
  10. Alaka Thomlinson - Legal
  11. Cllr Tony Green
  12. Cllr Heather Wallace
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  1. Cat Crelling - Senior Licensing Officer
  2. Cllr Heather Wallace
  3. Cllr Tony Green
  4. Cllr Heather Wallace
  5. Lindsay Vallis - Service Director for Integrated Transport
  6. Cat Crelling - Senior Licensing Officer
  7. Cllr Heather Wallace
  8. Cat Crelling - Senior Licensing Officer
  9. Lindsay Vallis - Service Director for Integrated Transport
  10. Cllr Tony Green
  11. Cat Crelling - Senior Licensing Officer
  12. Cllr Heather Wallace
  13. Cllr Andrew Wood
  14. Cat Crelling - Senior Licensing Officer
  15. Lindsay Vallis - Service Director for Integrated Transport
  16. Cllr Andrew Wood
  17. Cllr Heather Wallace
  18. Cat Crelling - Senior Licensing Officer
  19. Cllr Phil Gomm
  20. Cllr Derek Town
  21. Cat Crelling - Senior Licensing Officer
  22. Cllr Heather Wallace
  23. Cllr Derek Town
  24. Cllr Heather Wallace
  25. Lindsay Vallis - Service Director for Integrated Transport
  26. Cllr Phil Gomm
  27. Cllr Heather Wallace
  28. Cat Crelling - Senior Licensing Officer
  29. Cllr Phil Gomm
  30. Cllr Heather Wallace
  31. Cat Crelling - Senior Licensing Officer
  32. Cllr Andrew Wood
  33. Cllr Heather Wallace
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  1. Jo Bowles - Senior Licensing Officer
  2. Cllr Heather Wallace
  3. Cllr Gurinder Wadhwa
  4. Jo Bowles - Senior Licensing Officer
  5. Lindsay Vallis - Service Director for Integrated Transport
  6. Cllr Gurinder Wadhwa
  7. Lindsay Vallis - Service Director for Integrated Transport
  8. Cllr Gurinder Wadhwa
  9. Lindsay Vallis - Service Director for Integrated Transport
  10. Cllr Andrew Wood
  11. Jo Bowles - Senior Licensing Officer
  12. Cllr Andrew Wood
  13. Cllr Heather Wallace
  14. Lindsay Vallis - Service Director for Integrated Transport
  15. Cllr Andrew Wood
  16. Lindsay Vallis - Service Director for Integrated Transport
  17. Jo Bowles - Senior Licensing Officer
  18. Cllr Heather Wallace
  19. Lindsay Vallis - Service Director for Integrated Transport
  20. Cllr Phil Gomm
  21. Cllr Andrew Wood
  22. Cllr Gurinder Wadhwa
  23. Cllr Derek Town
  24. Lindsay Vallis - Service Director for Integrated Transport
  25. Cllr Heather Wallace
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  1. Webcast Finished