South Buckinghamshire Area Planning Committee - Tuesday 10 December 2024, 2:30pm - Buckinghamshire Council Webcasting
South Buckinghamshire Area Planning Committee
Tuesday, 10th December 2024 at 2:30pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Trevor Egleton
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Trevor Egleton
Agenda item :
3 Minutes
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Agenda item :
4 PL/22/2770/FA - Land South of Thorney Farm, Thorney Mill Road, Iver
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Cllr Wendy Matthews
Mr Richard Regan
Cllr Michael Bracken
Mr Richard Regan
Cllr Michael Bracken
Mr Richard Regan
Cllr Michael Bracken
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Guy Hollis
Mr Richard Regan
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Mr Richard Regan
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Michael Bracken
Mr Richard Regan
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Mr Ben Robinson
Mr Richard Regan
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr George Sandy
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Agenda item :
5 PL/24/1860/FA - Former Jolly Woodman Public House, Littleworth Road, Burnham, SL1 8PF
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Mr Alex Armour
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Dev Dhillon
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Jaspal Chhokar
Cllr Dev Dhillon
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr David Moore
Cllr Jaspal Chhokar
Cllr George Sandy
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Andrew Wood
Cllr Andrew Wood
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Andrew Wood
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Guy Hollis
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Wendy Matthews
Cllr Wendy Matthews
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Andrew Wood
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr David Moore
Mr Alex Armour
Mr Ben Robinson
Mr Alex Armour
Cllr David Moore
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Jaspal Chhokar
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Alison Wheelhouse
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Alison Wheelhouse
Cllr Michael Bracken
Cllr Michael Bracken
Cllr Michael Bracken
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Michael Bracken
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Michael Bracken
Ms. Katherine Stubbs
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Andrew Wood
Mr Alex Armour
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Andrew Wood
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Wendy Matthews
Mr Alex Armour
Cllr Wendy Matthews
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr George Sandy
Mr Alex Armour
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Michael Bracken
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Ms. Katherine Stubbs
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr George Sandy
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Alison Wheelhouse
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr David Moore
Cllr Andrew Wood
Ms. Katherine Stubbs
Cllr Andrew Wood
Ms. Katherine Stubbs
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Ms. Katherine Stubbs
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr George Sandy
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Michael Bracken
Cllr Jaspal Chhokar
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Guy Hollis
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr George Sandy
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Alison Wheelhouse
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Alison Wheelhouse
Ms. Katherine Stubbs
Cllr Michael Bracken
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Ms. Katherine Stubbs
Cllr Alison Wheelhouse
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Ms. Katherine Stubbs
Cllr George Sandy
Ms. Katherine Stubbs
Mr Ben Robinson
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Ms. Katherine Stubbs
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Cllr Trevor Egleton
Agenda item :
6 Date of Next Meeting
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- Minutes Public Pack, 24/09/2024 South Buckinghamshire Area Planning Committee, opens in new tab
- PL222770FA - Land South of Thorney Farm report, opens in new tab
- PL222770FA - Land South of Thorney Farm AppxB, opens in new tab
- PL241860FA - Former Jolly Woodman PH report, opens in new tab
- PL241860FA - Former Jolly Woodman PH AppxB, opens in new tab